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3 Critical things you must know…

If you look closely at nature, everything is in perfect balance. Everything is born, grows, flourishes and then dies, which in turn, brings forth new life. We are not taught, that the same creative energy that is evident in nature, also resides within us. How do we...

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Doubt Your Doubts!

Learn to doubt your doubts! You are bombarded with thoughts, notions beliefs and ideas, that you have gathered throughout your every day experience.

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This life is busy! We are constantly juggling our busy schedules trying sometimes in vain to balance our work, our Family life, our interests and desires.

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Many of us have been fooled into believing that trust is something that we put in others. I am hear to tell you that is a recipe for disappointment.

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The New Year ushered in the energy of transformation. This energy gave birth to thought forms in many of us that has caused ‘Mr. Status Quo’ to pick up his accoutrements and flee for his life!

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